
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stomach Pain

Effective Home Remedies of Stomach Pain 

There are acute and chronic stomach pain who demonstrate serious diseases such as gallbladder stones, appendicitis, and kidney stones. This pain can be triggered by distention or inflammation. Your stomach will feel pain when the blood supply to certain organs disrupted. Pain will be felt above the pelvic bone and below the rib cage when your stomach felt pain. 

stomach pain remedies

Some minor reasons can cause stomach pain but chronic and acute stomach pain can disrupt normal life routine, you should try to seek simple treatment , effective and permanent can be done to heal your pain. The area below rib cage and above pelvic bone is called stomach and pain can arise in this area due to problem in the normal functioning of internal organs. Sometimes problem is in other part of the body but pain is felt in this region whereas sometimes problem is with the internal organs of stomach but pain is felt in some other region, such pains are called as referred pain. Frequent and intense stomach pain symbolizes transient disorders or underlying medical condition.

Symptoms of Stomach Pain

- Stabbing, cramp-like, twisting, dull or piercing pains in the abdominal regions.

- Stomach pain can build gradually, starting out relatively mild and becoming intense, or coming on strong but only lasting for a few minutes. 

- Vomiting can also be a part of intense pain, but this won't always make you feel better. 

- People that experience intense pain have been known to pace around the room, or roll around in their bed hoping to find a good position that will alleviate the discomfort. However, some people will have to stay very still to reduce the stomach pain.

Pain in Stomach Causes

- Food Intolerance will cause pain half an hour to one hour after a meal. It means a certain kind of food does not agree with the stomach or intestine. It can be caused by too low stomach acidity, but if it doesn't improve when you optimize you stomach acid production, you may have to eliminate certain foods from your diet.

- Low stomach acidity : When the acid in the stomach is too weak to digest the food, the first consequence will be that the food sits long in the stomach causing bloating; during that time some liquid can be forced up the esophagus causing heartburn. When the food eventually moves on it is only semi-digested and not really ready for the intestines. It will therefore cause pain and is a contributing factor to IBS, leaking gut and food intolerance and allergy. In many cases the acid production is low because the vagus nerve is pinched in the neck. Optimal acid production can be achieved when the vagus nerve is liberated by a kinesiologist or chiropractor.

- Hiatus hernia is a type of hernia where the upper part of the stomach has been forced up through a hole in the diaphragm. This could have happened during birth or through heavy lifting or pregnancy. It will cause heartburn and pain and because it pinches the vagus nerve, it may cause decreased acid production. In most cases a kinesiologist or a chiropractor can push down the stomach.

- Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium that burrows itself in the stomach lining. The symptoms are burning pain, bloating, burping and in some individuals it will cause nausea and vomiting. It is the main cause of stomach ulcers and can cause gastritis. The standard cure is treatment with two different antibiotics over a couple of weeks. It may also be eliminated if the person optimizes the acid production as outlined above.

- Stomach ulcer will cause burning pain, heartburn, chest pain, belching and vomiting. In severe cases the person will vomit blood or food eaten days before and severe pain in the abdominal area that radiates to the back. It is caused either by H. pylori or medicine of the NSAID type (aspirin, ibuprofen etc.). When you eliminate the causes - H. pylori or the medicine - the ulcers will normally heal by itself. If the medicine is prescribed to you, do not stop the medication without consulting your doctor.

- Candidiasis means an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albican in the intestines. In most cases it is caused by a treatment with antibiotics. Symptoms are pain and diarrhea, but can also cause sudden onset of depression. You may be able to eliminate it through a certain diet, but if it is severe you should see your doctor.

- Bad Food Combining where some people get stomach pain from combining foods that don't digest well together, like proteins and carbohydrates. Find out from a food combining chart, which foods go well together and experiment a little.

- Irritable Bowel Syndrom causes lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or both alternating. According to the official explanation there is no cure, and a life long diet is recommended. However, there is reason to believe it can be caused by too low stomach acidity.

- Bad Habits In order to avoid diluting the stomach acid you should not drink anything one hour before eating and you should drink as little as possible during the meal. Also make sure you chew the food properly; thereby you break the food down into smaller particles and you mix it with enzymes needed for the digestion.

- Appendicitis means an inflammation of the appendix, which is a little blind-ended tube near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine. Typical symptoms will be pain in the right side of the abdomen and diarrhea, but symptoms can vary considerably. Appendicitis is a medical emergency.

Home Remedies of Stomach Pain 

Some natural and home remedies are very effective to cure most of the stomach pain and proved to be far safer than drugs that contain chemical and without side effects.

The following are some natural home remedies for stomach pain :

- Garlic and ginger are very effective in reducing stomach pains. Garlic is an effective blood cleanser and appetizer and ginger enhances the digestive functions of the body. Taking a clove of raw garlic or raw ginger juice is useful in treating this problem.

- Drink half cup of a mixture of juices of lemon, mint and ginger adding a pinch of rock salt in the morning. This improves blood circulation and reduces the flatulence.

- Massaging the abdomen with ginger juice also helps in reducing the stomach pain.

- Reduce the intake of non- vegetarian food and include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fruits like papaya and banana are very helpful in reducing the stomach pain.

- Taking soaked cardamom seeds three times a day helps in reducing stomach ache problems. The cardamom seeds should be soaked in water for 10 minutes.

- Prepare a powder by mixing equal amounts of garlic, dry ginger, mint, black salt, asafetida, cumin seeds, black pepper and coriander. This should be taken regularly after the meals to prevent pain in stomach.

- Boil few ajwain seeds in water and add a pinch of rack salt. Drink the decoction after it is cooled to get fast relief from stomach pain.

If your stomach pain gets worse then contact your doctor to find the causes of which must be dealt with on a medical cure.

You can read the other guide on  Shoulder Blade Pain

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