
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Jaw Pain

Long Suffering when You Have Jaw Pain

If you have jaw pain, better for you to be calm especially, this pain caused by trauma or pain from your body and are directed to the teeth or jaws. UFC fighter was used to experiencing a broken nose, ear and jaw. This kind of experience will cause a person trauma in some parts of their body like their jaws. If you have a broken jaw will continue to give side effects to you and give a pain in the most unexpected times.

jaw pain on one side

You will feel unhappiness and frustration if you have jaw pain. because your jaw is painful then you will be miserable all the time, when you're stressed, when you chew and even when you come home after a long day and feel like big yawn, it hurts then too. 

Maybe you are one of the many of us experience discomfort in the jaw joint or what in medically appropriate terms is known as the Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ, It establishes the connection between the lower jaw in one's mouth with the temporal bone in the skull. However, this joint has adequate flexibility which allows the individual to open or close mouth up and down, as well as sideways. There are many reasons that may lead to the dysfunction of this joint.

Symptoms of Jaw Pain

- Pain when you talk, yawn or chew

- Ringing of the ears

- Clicking or locking sounds while opening or closing the mouth

- An abnormal position of the mouth while biting or chewing food can be symptoms of TMJ disorder.

- Headaches or neck pain

- Stiffness in the jaws

- Inability to open your mouth wide

- Inability to open your mouth more than a couple inches

- Consider the following when you are trying to pinpoint why this pain is going on.

Pain in Jaw Causes

- Sudden clenching of the jaws out of anger or eating something can cause such pain. This is mainly because the clenching action puts unnecessary pressure on the flexible and soft joint and creates tight muscles of the face, jaw and neck.

- You may need to go to the doctor to get rid of TMJ arthritis because arthritis can affect any joint.

- Sleeping on your tummy pushes the head to one side and can cause tight muscles and pressure on the jaw.

- Sometimes the ball and socket keeping the joint in place may slip off from their normal positions causing the jaw to open and/or close imperfectly.

- If you are a fan of chewing gum, better to avoid when you have jaw problems because it will continue to put a strain on the jaw joints and jaw muscles if the ball and socket is not placed correctly.

- Sometimes when you eat things like a jawbreaker or stick-jaw candies it can cause the jaws to open or close improperly or put a lot of strain on the TMJ causing lock-jaw. Our instant reaction is to pull our jaw open which can cause further damage to the TMJ.

Jaw Pain Relief

- Stop Chewing Gum

When you constantly chew gum, you should not overuse the muscles around your jaw. It will cause fatigue and aches and pains eventually. This will then lead to damaged muscles and temporo mandibular joint disc-which is the main reason why you will have jaw pain and difficulty chewing.

- Stretcing

Tight neck muscles can often contribute to unwanted pains and improper movement of the temporo-mandibular joint. Try to stretch your neck everyday for about 10 minutes (late in the afternoon or before sleeping) and you will prevent yourself with having jaw pains and other jaw-neck problems. Follow these simple neck exercises:
  • Forward flexion (bend your neck forward)
  • Back extension (bend your neck backward)
  • Rotation to the right (turn your neck to the right)
  • Rotation to the left (turn your neck to the right)
  • Lateral flexion to the right (bend your neck to the right)
  • Lateral flexion to the left (bend your neck to the left)\

- Apply Pressure
Pressure on you jaw muscles will help stimulate the muscles and promote smooth movements. Using your forefinger, palpate or feel the muscles in the jaw region concentrating more on the fibers that are just located above the sharp angle of your jaw. Once located, apply deep pressure using your forefinger or your thumb. The pressure should be enough to create an achy sensation but not too much that it can cause pain. Maintain the pressure for as long as you can and as long as it is tolerable 30 seconds is enough. Do this as frequent as possible. For best results, you can add a few movements. So while the pressure is still there, slowly open and close your mouth. Do not force it to open widely.

- Grinding

The jaw pain could be caused by grinding at night.  If you think that this is a problem, consider meeting with a dentist.  If the dentist does think that this is the problem of your jaw pain, they can fit you for a jaw bite that can help with the grinding.


“How to Get Rid of Jaw Pain”. ( october 7, 2013 )

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