
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pain in Foot

More Concerned about Pain in Foot

One part of the body most often used and frequently used by human beings rather than as a function of the original is the foot. foot support the weight of your body in a variety of activities you are doing. Can you imagine how heavy your body that is charged to the foot so it is natural if one time your feet get pain or tension and feelings of stress or even worse. As important as other parts of the body when you take care of your feet in order to ensure that your feet functioning properly. You may not realize that on a typical day, a normal person would take about 8,000 to 10,000 steps. With each step, about 2-3 times of the usual force is placed on your feet. It is no surprise that 70% of people will suffer from pain in foot at some time of their lives.

nerve pain in foot

Pain in foot can be caused by many different reasons. With so many areas that can contribute to foot pain it is important to understand exactly how the pain originated and how extensive the condition is that caused it. This pain can be one of the most troublesome, most disruptive problems you can have. 

Causes of Pain in Foot

Here are some of the most common causes of foot pain as follows :

-  Blisters are the result of rubbing and irritation of the skin. Ill-fitting shoes are often blamed for causing this type of pain in foot.

- Morton's Neuroma is a benign disease that causes an inflammation of the nerves along the dorsal or front part of the foot. This can cause unbearable top of the foot pain especially for those who innervate the thirds and fourth toes. Although the disease is benign failure to have it treated can in the long run cause the nerves to thicken which will cause further pain, numbness and prickling sensations. 

- A bunion is formed when swelling occurs near the bone of the big toe and sticks out to the side. A bunion is not really a problem unless it becomes tender or painful.

- Tendonitis is one of the most common causes of pain in foot  and is characterised by inflammation and swelling especially during weight bearing. Tendons are tissues that connect the bones to muscles. Tendonitis can occur as a result of injury or infections.

- Metatarsals are the long bones that run along the top of the foot. These can be prone to overexertion during exercise and can become a common source of pain especially for athletes and runners. Metatarsal stress can cause the top of the foot to become very painful. Wearing shoes with this condition can become very uncomfortable and cause further swelling and inflammation. Sports related injuries like avulsion or muscle strain may also cause this kind of pain.

- Trauma or repetitive strain on the bones can cause small cracks to them which is commonly referred to as stress fractures. These cracks usually don't require any time of cast placed around them to aid healing but some kind of support is often recommended. Stress fractures are normally caused by inadequate foot wear combined with strenuous or increase in intensity of training or sports involving the feet

- Abnormal tissue growth sometimes occurs at the top of the foot and can either be benign or malignant. In either case these growths cause the nerves to be compressed which will cause pain to the top of the foot. This pain can be exacerbated by wearing the wrong type of footwear or when the feet undergo heightened levels of physical stress. The most common form of this type of growth is called cysts where fluid from the joints leaks out to form a lump on top of the foot. Other types of growths are called bone spurs which is when there is extra bone growth which can occur with frequent jamming go the bones in the foot and can eventually lead to arthritic spurring.

Home Remedies of Pain in Foot 

- Take a load off. If you have to stand a great deal, take breaks to take the weight off your feet. Whenever you can, elevate your feet at a 45 degree angle to your body, and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Elevating your feet will move blood away from the feet and help reduce swelling.

- Give them a soak. Put two tablespoons of Epsom salts into a basin of warm water, and give your feet a relaxing bath for 15 minutes. Then, pat your feet dry with a soft towel, and moisturize them with your favorite cream or lotion.

- Alternate hot and cold. Sit on the edge of the bathtub and alternately run cold water then (comfortably) hot water (for one minute each) on the feet; end with cold water.

- Give them the squeeze. There's nothing quite as relaxing as a foot massage. Have a partner massage your feet with massage oil, baby oil, or moisturizing lotion (then put socks on before you stand up to prevent slipping). Or treat yourself by massaging your own feet. First, apply oil and condition the foot with medium-light strokes, using your thumbs and fingers. Next, starting with the ball of the foot, work across and down the entire foot using the thumbs to make small, circular motions. Use the thumbs to make long, deep strokes along the arch of the foot, moving in the direction of the toes. Gently squeeze, rotate, and pull each toe. End by cupping the foot between both hands and gently squeezing up and down the length of each foot.

- Ice 'em. A cool way to refresh your feet after a long, hard day is to ice them down with a washcloth filled with ice. It'll make them feel wonderful and decrease swelling.

- Exercise your feet. Like any part of the body, the feet stay healthiest if they're kept strong and flexible with regular exercise. Walking in shoes that provide good support and cushioning is excellent exercise for the feet.

- Trim your toenails. Ingrown toenails may be inherited, but improper nail trimming can make the problem worse. Trim the nails straight across and only to the end of the toe, then file the corners to remove sharp edges that might cut the skin.

- Buy shoes that fit. Too often, people buy shoes that don't fit their feet. They opt for fashion rather than fit or comfort. A good-fitting pair of shoes will improve virtually any foot problem.

- Know your feet. Different types of feet require different kinds of shoes.

- Wear the right shoes for the activity. Wearing the wrong type of shoes can cause a long list of problems, including knee tendinitis, chronic pain in foot, heel spurs, and stress fractures.

- Replace worn shoes. It's tough to give up those old favorite shoes, but often, we wear shoes long after they've lost their ability to support and cushion the foot.

If  home remedies is not able to make pain in foot can be healed then the doctor may be able to give you a complete diagnosis and recommendation for treatment is effective and can eliminate other problems and identify the root cause after examination.

Reference :

Home Remedies for Foot Pain, ( July 19, 2013 )

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