
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hip Bone Pain

Hip Bone Pain Explained and Guide

Before knowing the cause of hip bone pain you should be understood how the hip bone is constructed. The thigh bone (femur) leads them to the pelvis and at the very end the bone is shaped like a ball. The pelvis has a recessed area (socket) that accommodates the ball on the femur. Hence, the term ball and socket joint. This ball and socket arrangement allows the joint a great deal of flexibility and is protected against dislocation by a combination of extremely strong ligaments and layers of muscle surrounding the joint.

pain in hip bone

Hip bone pain is a very common occurrence in people all over the world. Pain like this can have an immense effect on a person’s ability to complete even minor movements, such as getting in and out of bed, taking the dog for a walk, sitting on the sofa, and walking up a short flight of stairs. We often take for granted how large a role the hip bone plays in everyday movements, that is, until we become struck by sudden hip bone pain. If you suffer from recurring pain in the hip then you probably have a lot of questions that you’d like the answers to. Keep reading to learn about common causes of hip pain, the symptoms that can arise, how to treat the symptoms at home, and when you should see a doctor.

Causes of Hip Bone Pain

- Trauma is more often the major cause of pain in hip bones.

- Tendonitis is another possible cause of hip bone pain. This is a condition in which the tendons surrounding the hip joint become inflamed. When a tendon becomes inflamed it swells and tightens, making movement difficult and painful. Tendon inflammation is most often caused by overuse of the tendon or by repetitive motion strain. This tends to be a common injury among people who play golf, as a great deal of repetitive strain occurs in the hip area.

- The ball part of the femur is significantly narrower than the rest of the bone, which means that it is a point of failure. When you hear about people breaking a hip, it is typically this part of the bone that has broken. Obviously, a broken bone is a significant cause of pain.

- The ball of the joint is surrounded by layers of muscle that protect it. Unfortunately, this leads to a problem with blood supply. The ball has a single small artery that supplies it, if for some reason this actually becomes blocked the ball will start to decay.

- Gout, although this typically affects the toes and ankle joints it can also impact the hips.

- Infection, the bursa (membranes that surround the joint) can become infected (bursitis).

- Rheumatoid arthritis can also target the hips and specifically injure the joint.

- Especially elderly people or individuals with weakened bones, the cause of hip bone pain can be due to a fracture which likely occurred as the result of direct trauma to the hip, such as a fall. Hip fractures should be treated as a serious condition because if this area fails to heal properly then it could result in long term, chronic pain.

Home Treatment of Hip Bone Pain

There are several ways of treating at home for hip bone pain is as follows :

- Start by resting your body and limit your hip movement.

-  If possible, remain in a position that puts the least amount of pressure on your hip.

- Use a cane or creatures to relieve the stress on the joint, and make sure to sleep in a firm bed in a position that does not cause you pain.

- While you are resting, try to find someone who can help you take care of things around the house and run errands for you.

- The least amount of time you spend on your feet, the better and faster your hip will heal.

- Once the pain is decreased, you can start with some gentle exercising and stretching; start slowly, go easy on yourself and will listen to your body and pain messages it is sending you.

It is very important for you to consult a qualified doctor if you suffer from hip bone pain. It is very important that the treatment of these should be well directed towards the specific cause. Some of the common symptoms of pain in hip bone are inability to bend the hip, swelling of the hip or the thigh area, signs of an infection, including redness, warmth and fever. With so many hip bone pain treatment options available, you will surely able to find one, which will solve your problem.

You can read my other uide on  Achilles Pain

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