
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back Muscle Pain

Know More about Back Muscle Pain

One of the health problems that are a common problem and is a common form of back pain is muscle back pain. Approximately each and every people suffer from this problem from moderate to severe muscular back pain at some times in their lives. This muscle pain sometimes be serious nature and sometimes it may be mild. If this muscle pain becomes chronic then commonly known as myositis. Many times the condition of this muscles pain is identified incorrectly as stemming from a spinal source.

lower back muscle pain

Causes of arises back muscle pain is most often caused by damage or injury to the soft tissues around the spine. The pain also occurs at times due to inflammation of the facet joints or other structures in the spine. Most of times these symptoms of back muscle pain are encountered by people indulging in activities that involve tremendous amount of physical movement such as sports professionals. The extensors, flexors and oblique muscles help in the functioning of the spine. However there are exceptions. Many people strongly believe that the only strenuous physical activities cause back pain. apparently this is not so. sometimes when trying to do some physical activity after a long period of time or while performing some activity suddenly also causes damage to the tissues of the spinal and thereby causes back pain.

Muscles are structures formed by the chains of muscle fibers which are attached to each other. When muscle is over stretched these attachments get damaged or even separated to cause pain and inflammation.

Symptoms of  Back Muscle Pain

- Constant muscle aches of varying intensities. 

- Feeling of pain while bending or moving. 

- Stiffness of the muscles 

- Mild swelling

Causes of Pain in Back Muscle 

- The most common form of pain experienced in the back is caused by muscles when they get pulled or strained, sprained, damaged, infected or swollen.

- Sudden shock or injury in the back muscles. 

- Muscle stiffness is another form of problem which is caused by back pain and may give rise to pain in other areas.

- Performing excessive strenuous jobs 

- Arthritis due to aging 

- Simple muscle strains while performing physical activities may cause muscle pain

- Stress, anxiety, sleepless nights 

- Lifting something heavy and suddenly 

- Suddenly bending to pick up something 

- Lack of vitamins in the body 

- Dehydration 

- Driving in hunched positions 

- Slouching in chairs 

- Sleeping on extra soft or extra hard mattresses 

- Wrong sleeping positions 

- Uncomfortable sitting chair at work place 

- Wrong standing position 

- Obesity 

- Pregnancy 

- Menstrual cycle 

- Sedentary life at times could also lead to chronic pain symptoms

- Osteoporosis 

- Sciatica 

- Psychological stress 

- Tuberculosis

Back Muscle Pain Treatment

- Muscle pains unless they turn out to be chronic and grave can be cured completely with regular medications and exercises.

- Regular exercising improves the blood circulation in the muscles and strengthens them that help in treating the back muscle pain as well as preventing it. Moreover, it controls the bodyweight that lowers the risk of any muscular pain.

- Maintaining erect posture while movement improves the condition.

- Cold treatment through application of ice bag on the back muscle for few days provides relief from the pain.

- Avoid over strains in work unless the pain subsides completely. Work can be resumed after the cure at a slow pace as the muscles take time in adjusting to the exerted forces.

- Massaging aromatic oils of peppermint, spearmint and other mint family herbs containing menthol are beneficial in this treatment. Rumatone Gold oil is very good herbal massage oil to treat muscle pain. Massage regularly with Rumatone Gold massage oil for effective results.

- The constituents of ginger roots inhibit the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are responsible for the pain and inflammation. Taking powdered ginger root regularly helps in reducing the back muscle pain.

- Light exercises like walking, jogging and swimming can regularize the blood flow to all parts of the body 
which helps in relieving over used muscles and helping them to come out of exhaustion. 

- Bathing with warm water before going to bed is another remedy for avoiding back muscle pain.

Learn more the other guide on  Atypical Chest pain

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