
Monday, June 17, 2013

Kidney Pain Location

You are Also Confused with Kidney Pain Location 

Many people tend to get confused between kidney pain and back pain so it is important for you to know complete details of kidney pain location and the symptoms. There are several methods that can help you make a decision that you are experiencing kidney pain from the pain caused by something else, although determining it is a complicated thing.

kidney stone pain location

Kidney is the organ responsible for filtering 180 L of blood per day like heart did, so the kidney is the organ that is as important as the heart, this filtering process takes place about 50 times a day. Many people do not know about the causes and symptoms of kidney pain or because they get the wrong information and even though they know and feel these symptoms, but they usually assume it is not important, so they delay in seeking treatment so it will be a severe complication in the future and may be more difficult to treat.

Kidneys are organs that are an essential part of the urinary system of the body and do you know that the shape of the kidney such as bean. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and eliminate the excess substances, water and body wastes. The kidneys also maintain the body’s electrolytes and water levels. Aside from its excretory functions, the kidneys also release hormones needed by the body, help produce the blood’s erythrocytes (red blood cells), help control the body’s blood pressure, and help keep the bones healthy by its capability to produce vitamin D.

So where is kidney pain location?

The kidney pain location is at the back. But other than kidney pain, painful symptoms coming from other organs are also felt at the back. These painful symptoms may be coming from the liver, pancreas, back muscles, spleen, and the colon. Women with back pain may also consider menstrual pain and ovulation as the source of their back pain.

An important method is to watch out for any accompanying symptoms or signs which usually indicate kidney problems. Although this method does not give you a sure diagnosis of kidney pain, it may help narrow down the possibilities. If the following symptoms occur besides the pain then it is likely that the problem is with the kidneys:
- Burning sensationand pain while urinating.
- Irregular flow of urine, and considerable decrease in the amount of urine passed.
- Frequent urination.
- Presence of blood in the urine.
-  Fever (important indicant of kidney infection).
- Increase in pain when the area of the back over the kidneys is pressed upon or touched.
- Visible swelling and inflammation in this area.

In order to completely relieve the pain from kidney infection, the patient should first treat the underlying cause which is the infection. Consult with the doctor for the prescription of anti-bacterial medications the patient has to take. The two kinds of kidney infection, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, have different treatment therapy. The anti-bacterial therapy for glomerulonephritis would usually take 2 to 3 weeks while long-term anti-bacterial therapy may be needed for pyelonephritis. Aside from the medications, it is very important that the patient will take a rest and receive symptomatic care from a caregiver.

The other cause of kidney pain is the presence of kidney stones. The stones obstruct the flow of urine from the kidney to the ureters then to the bladder and then out the body by being lodged in the ureter. Because of the obstruction, the flow of urine is blocked making it flow back to kidneys. The kidneys will then enlarge, activating pain receptors as the kidneys stretch. This causes the awful pain. The pain occurs like a wave and is very sharp. When the stone moves, the pain can also be felt from the flank area down to the groin.

The first step to relieve and treat the pain is by consulting a doctor. Self medicating with pain killers may help but will not entirely make the pain go away. The best action is to treat the cause, which is the presence of the kidney stones. The doctors may suggest a surgery to remove the stones, which can be either ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) or percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is an invasive procedure while ESWL isn’t. In, ESWL, sound waves are used to break the stones into smaller pieces so the body can easily remove it naturally.

This time a lot of people also rely on natural methods to relieve the pain. One solution is to avoid foods that can aggravate the pain. Using herbs for pain management is also an effective way. The simplest but at the same time the most important method is to keep the body well hydrated at all times. Drinking plenty of fluids will not only help with the treatment but also with the prevention of the kidney disease. That's some blurb about kidney pain location, I hope to be useful.

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