
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Appendix Pain

How to Cure Appendix Pain

Appendicitis is a common disease that is relatively easy to treat if it is diagnosed early, and very difficult to treat if appendix pain is ignored. And it's important to see a doctor, because there is no single pattern of pain that is 100% sure to be due to appendicitis. Appendicectomy, also known as appendectomy or appendisectomy, is the surgical removal of appendix, which has no known function in the human body. Due to unknown reasons, it sometimes gets inflamed and filled with pus and this condition is known as appendicitis.

location of appendix pain

Appendix is a small pouch that connects to your colon. Currently a small pouch becomes inflamed, you have appendicitis, you may feel appendix pain. You need medical help if you see the pain (and other symptoms) because, if so inflamed appendix is ruptured, it can threaten your life. Researchs found that there are useful bacteria break down food so that it can be used by our bodies and researchers have found evidence that the appendix is actually providing a place for bacteria is essential for life.

About 1 people in 1000 gets appendicitis every year in USA and About 1 in 100 people who get the condition die from it, but this figure rises to 1 in 5 among appendicitis sufferers over the age of 70. Generally people who suffer from appendicitis caused by rarely eat fibrous foods and also eat less vegetables and fruits.

Appendix Pain Symptoms                                   

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendix pain as follows:

- Pain in the lower right abdomen and the pain intensified when pressed

-  Nausea and vomiting.
 The affected person often suffers from nausea and a vomiting sensation. If the person experiences pain first and vomits later, it may be a case of appendicitis. If it is the other way round, there may be some other disorder at work.

- Pain initially in the gut or above the navel, which was subsequently dropped and settled in the lower  right abdomen.

- Lower right abdominal pain worse when coughing, sneezing, move or breathe deeply.

- Mild fever.

- Diarrhea, constipation and constipation wind.
 Many people with appendix pain can suffer from stomach ailments like diarrhea or constipation.

- Loss of appetite.

- Anorexia
There may be a loss of appetite which makes the person suffer from anorexia, or eating disorder.

- Stomach swelling.
- Pain in the belly button
- Pain in general rapidly worsening

- High fevers

- Cramps

- Urination pains

- Gas buildup from the inability to release gas

- Feeling the chills

If the condition complicates, the appendix may suffer a tear. The person may experience severe abdominal pain when this happens.

Appendix Pain Treatment

Your body has an advanced defense system and upon experiencing certain conditions, such as appendicitis, it sends signals that something is wrong. If you were to try and relieve the symptoms, it usually doesn't solve the actual problem. It only stops your body from signaling the problem that something is wrong. When experiencing appendix pain, it is certainly not something to push aside, especially if it continues for more than about two days. Knowing the symptoms of appendicitis is important since 1 out of 15 people typically have appendicitis at one point in time. Mild cases of Appendix pain may be treated with medicines. In some cases, complete bed rest is needed to counter the ache. 

If the sufferer feels a steadily deteriorating appendix pain, you should immediately seek medical attention. Doctors carry out a diagnosis of the condition by physical observation of the patient and perform tests like CT (Computed Tomography) scans of the abdomen and pelvis to check the cause and gravity of the condition. In case the pain is not treated in time, it may lead to a rupture in the appendix and cause infection and shock. It can even cause death of the sufferer. It may also lead to severe complications like acute appendicitis and may involve Appendix surgery. Appendix removal is the main aim of such operations.
Appendicitis is usually treated with surgery. Doctor’s recommend Appendectomy, or appendix surgery, whenever they detect a possibility of an appendix infection. However, surgeons may prefer to administer intravenous antibiotics in some cases and observe the patient’s condition for a day or two. Antibiotics are used to treat infection through non-surgical means. A liquid diet is also prescribed to the patient to reduce infection.

If you feel appendix pain and had one of the symptoms of the condition,you should seek medical attention. The pain may continue to deteriorate as long as six to eight hours and if not treated usually by surgical removal of the appendix, the appendix can rupture. A ruptured appendix can lead to shock and infection and you should know a ruptured appendix can even cause death if not treated.

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