
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Appendix Location Pain

Appendix Location Pain Explained

Appendix location pain that generally starts near the navel as well as shifting to the right lower abdomen. Intensive pain usually occurs during a period of twelve to 18 hours. and in the end will be very severe. Although it can affect anyone, but most occur in individuals between the ages of ten and thirty. The appendix pain can vary, depending on the age of the individual as well as the position of the appendix, examples, pregnant women as well as young children can have appendix pain in places that are different.
location of appendix pain

The appendix is a narrow tube or a finger-shaped pouch, located on the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. This close ended narrow tube is situated at the ileocecal junction, the place where the ileum from the small intestine and the cecum from the colon come together. The inner portion of the appendix is called the appendiceal lumen. The mucus produced by the appendix passes through the appendiceal lumen and empties into the large intestine.  may be the difference between one and the other cases, but the anatomical variations are not very common. Some might have the appendix in the center. Those suffering from a medical condition known as situs inversus might have the appendix on the left side.

Symptoms of Appendix Location Pain

The following symptoms are usually present in appendix pain

1.Sudden pain around the navel that moves to the lower right abdomen in next hours.
- The painful spot is tender to touch and abdominal wall above the appendix is rigid.
- Pressure put (by hand) on the leftside of the abdomen and quickly released, triggers pain above the appendix (rebound tenderness, Rovsing sign).
- Pain worsens with coughing or moving around, or when you drop from standing on toes to heels quickly. Pain is often relieved by lying on the back with legs bent in the knees.
- Rarely — if the appendix is long or located on the right side (situs inversus) — pain can be felt in the lower left abdomen.
2.Diarrhea or constipation may sometimes occur.
3.Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting occuring after the onset of pain. Vomiting before onset of pain speaks for bowel obstruction.
4.Low grade fever may be present.
5.Urinary symptoms, like urgency to empty the bladder, may appear.
High fever and rapid breathing may speak for appendix rupture. Usually only surgery reveals, if the appendix is ruptured or not.

Appendix location Pain Treatment


Treatment for appendix location pain normally consists of surgical removal of the appendix that is inflamed. Any other treatment can be needed depending on each individual situation.Appendix surgery is executed as open surgery by using one incision in the abdominal region about two to four inches long. Or this surgery can also be done laparoscopically involving several very small incisions in the abdomen. In the course of a laparoscopic technique, the surgeon will insert special tools as well as a video camera into the abdomen in order to remove the appendix.

Generally, laparoscopic surgery permits the individual to recover fast and creates less scarring. But, this type surgery is not suitable for everyone. If the appendix has burst and the infection is extended beyond the appendix or if an abscess is involved, the individual can need an open appendectomy. This allows the surgeon to uncontaminate the cavity of the abdomen.An individual should anticipate spending one or two days in the hospital after an appendectomy.

An inflamed appendix is a very serious condition, therefore, those experiencing the symptoms of appendicitis must get themselves medically examined soon. If left untreated, appendix could even rupture and infection might spread to other parts of the body. An early diagnosis can help in preventing the complications of ruptured appendix. The treatment of appendix location pain involves the removal of appendix through surgery. The inflamed appendix can be removed by an open surgery or laparoscopic surgery.Since an untreated inflamed appendix is a medical emergency, symptoms of appendicitis must be taken very seriously. If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

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