
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ovary Pain

All Women should Know about Ovary Pain

Most of women experience a very common ailment that is ovary pain. Common mistake by many women about pelvic pain for PMS, bowel  pain or even lower back pain. But the facts show this pain is one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cysts. It is triggered by cysts growing around the ovaries. When the cysts swell, it puts pressure on the ovaries and causes a dull lower backache and pain in the abdomen. This pain can be excruciating which can actually prevent some women from getting on with their day.

left ovary pain

Before more about ovary pain, it would be helpful to know about the ovaries.The ovaries are two small organs located one on either side of the uterus, which is in the lower abdomen and part of the female reproductive system. They play vital roles in the reproductive system because they release an egg for possible fertilization every menstrual cycle and they also produce estrogen, the hormone that triggers menstruation. Due to the location of the ovaries, when you have ovary pain the pain will normally be below the belly button. The cause or causes can vary from endometriosis to cysts or other disease. Since the cause varies, it's important that a woman that suffers ovary pain seeks medical attention as soon the pain is experienced.

Causes of Ovary Pain

The pain arises from the ovary of course there is the cause, it is believed to be the main cause is ovarian cysts An ovarian cyst is essentially a collection of fluid encircled in a thin walled cell and can be present in either the left or the right ovary. If a follicle inside the ovary measures larger than 2 cm they are called ovarian cysts.The size of the cyst can vary between that of a small pea or be the size of an orange. These cysts are mostly harmless. The most common type is known as functional cysts, and they normally shrink on their own over a period of 1 to 3 months.The cysts are present in almost all pre-menopausal women and in at least 15% of postmenopausal women.

Usually developmental cysts most often during the childbearing years of a woman. While cysts many times come and go on their own, without producing any symptoms, some cysts are known to cause problems like ovary pain and bleeding, as well as menstrual irregularities, nausea and vomiting.

Additional symptoms of ovarian cyst such as :

- Nausea or vomiting
- abnormal bleeding
- breast tenderness
- dull ache in lower back
- weight gain
- pain during sex
- more painful than usual periods

If ovary pain is experienced along with one or more symptom for longer than four or five weeks. a second opinion should be sought.

Pain in Ovary Treatment

There are many ways to treat ovary pain. Since conventional medicine doctors are of the opinion that cysts in the ovaries are quite harmless and hence cannot cause pain or discomfort, there is no medicine aimed at treating it. The only medications a doctor may advise would be birth control pills to stop ovulation or pain killers. This may decrease the pain to a certain extent, but without treatment the condition will only get worse.

Good news for women who have ovary pain because there are many ways that can be used to control the this pain, and all of this in a natural way. Natural methods of cure for ovarian pain include usage of heat. As we all are aware whenever there is some kind of pain without any cuts or open wounds, applying heat can give much relief. Similarly in ovary pain too applying heat through hot water bag or heating pad can provide some relief. Keep the hot element towards your back to get maximum relief and also place a cloth or towel on your skin and then apply the heat to reduce redness.

Do a warm bath can also be relaxing and soothing. Natural treatment for ovarian pain including herbal teas, especially those with chamomile, mint or raspberry flavors. Initially those who are new to the taste may not relish it, but you will gradually get used to it and in fact find it more soothing and not just during the pain bouts. Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee which can intensify the pain. Drinking sufficient water and urinating often can also provide great relief.

There are natural methods in addition to treating the pain, you can treat the cause of the cyst with a way to stop the recurrence of ovarian cysts.By simply changing your diet you can accomplish this. Ovarian cysts are usually caused by a hormonal or insulin imbalance. You can address this imbalance by adopting a diet which is rich in fiber content, and low in carbs and sugar. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and herbal teas will also help you rid your body of harmful toxins. In addition to treating ovarian pain using natural methods at home you also can cure the condition causing your painful ovarian cysts. Prevent future cyst formation and you can get your life better quality.

Read the other guide on  Wrist Pain Diagnosis

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