
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Liver Pain

Do not Ever Overlook of Liver Pain

Many people who suffer from liver pain is often describe it in different ways. There are some of them say as if their liver would burst.  Other patients describe only a dull ache and tenderness in the vicinity of the lower rib cage. Often feel a bit swollen or bloated in the mid section that are said people who have pain in the liver.

liver pain location

Occurrence of liver pain when liver cells and in the space can be filled because the unhealthy build up of fat and the liver begins to enlarge and become heavier than normal. Often there is confusion between pain in liver and abdomen pain because the liver is located in the abdomen. So to be sure specify between liver of pain and abdomen pain and whether  they are related to the liver itself than you may contact and your doctor or medical professional.

Causes of Liver Pain 

Problem with the liver itself can be attributed to the occurrence of liver pain, but there is also a secondary pain that can be caused by problems elsewhere in the body, especially the gallbladder, blood vessels or bile ducts. But if the pain comes from the liver itself, it is usually because of some type of inflammation. Inflammation is one of the most familiar causes of pain in the liver.

If the pain does not come directly from the liver, it may instead be caused by a blockage of some type in the bile duct by a stone. known as biliary colic is a kind of pain in the liver area which usually comes on suddenly and can last for several hours. Discomfort starts in the upper middle quadrant or right upper quadrant but may well also include the area around the shoulder blades or shoulders.

After the consumption of fatty foods likely occurrence of pain in the liver area of biliary colic. fatty foods puts the gallbladder and liver to be "cholesterol overload." These organs can not process all cholesterol as usual in this case. The result was an inconvenience. 

Additional causes of pain in liver area can be cholangitis (inflammation of the bile duct), gallbladder disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver abscess and any number of other liver problems and disorders. On occasion liver cysts also cause liver pain.

Common Gastrointestinal Symptoms with Liver Pain

1. Swelling and/or bloating of the abdomen
Pain in liver is most often accompanied by a swollen abdomen which in turn exacerbates the pain. This symptom usually signifies an infection or another problem with the digestive system.

2. Appetite Loss
When pain in liver is accompanied by a loss of appetite, it often signifies a serious issue with the stomach and the digestive system in general.

3. Nausea
Consuming the wrong things can lead to liver pain which is accompanied by nausea. Vomiting may or may not accompany nausea but in either case, the patient should seek immediate medical advice.

4. Diarrhea
Another symptom along with pain in liver that is seen due to infection or consuming the wrong things is diarrhea. This leads to severe loss of water and dehydration and the patient should consume adequate amounts of fluids to keep the body well hydrated. Along with water, the body also loses a lot of minerals due to which consumption of proper electrolytes is highly recommended in this condition.

5. Stools of Clay or Pale Colors
Clay of pale color stools when accompanied by pain in liver point to a medical problem with the digestive system. If not treated on time, the condition could worsen and lead to further complications.

Other Symptoms Accompanying Liver Pain

1. Fever or Chills
When a patient experiences liver pain along with fever (mild or high), it is most likely to be a case of infection. This infection can be viral or of another kind and can usually be treated by antibiotics.
2. Itchy Skin
 There have been cases of liver pain which is accompanied by itchy skin. In this condition, it is best to check with a doctor and perform some tests to determine whether the two symptoms are related.
3. Discolored Urine
 Discolored urine along with pain can signify improper functioning of the liver. If this condition isn't treated in a timely manner, it could result in a serious condition.
4. Lethargy
Lethargy or laziness is caused when the body is devoid of energy. When accompanied by pain, it can indicate malfunctioning of the body's digestive system.

5. Significant Weight Loss
Experiencing significant weight loss, like lethargy along with pain points to an improperly functioning digestive system. The underlying condition prevents the nutrients from the food to be synthesized and absorbed adequately by the body.

Liver Pain Treatment

Here are several medications that are generally good for liver pain relief :

- Drugs known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which reduce pain and inflammation. Some NSAIDs require a doctor's prescription, but other forms are available over the counter.

- A drug called Meperidine, which is also called Demerol.

- Morphine

A big mistake if you ignore the pain in the liver area. if one day you have pain or tenderness close to the bottom of your rib cage, it is best to talk with your doctor. Such discomfort could be a symptoms of liver of gallbladder problems. These can be serious threats to your long term health and are definitely worth a call to your doctor.

Liver tumors can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or liver transplantation. To have a healthy liver, eat a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, fresh berries, prunes, raisins and apples as well as pears, grain breads, cereals and rice. Avoid foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. Change your lifestyle and avoid alcohol and smoke. It can help prolong your life and make it free from liver pain and liver tumors.

References :

 Liver Tumors, ( august 1, 2013 )     

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Gallbladder Pain

Guide to Gallbladder Pain

If you have gallbladder pain, it's not a rare thing because of so many people who experience this pain at this time is mainly due to poor lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. The gallbladder is an organ that is located directly under the liver. It is connected to the liver and upper portion of the small intestine via a duct system. The gallbladder stores bile, which is produced by the liver.

gallbladder pain relief

Although gallbladder is an organ that does not really have an important function, but it does not mean that it can not cause problems. The gallbladder is part of the digestive system and it stores bile that builds up and that means that it is prone to certain conditions due to gallstones, polyps, sludge and blockage of biliary ducts. There is a different between the gallbladder with other organ, the most gallbladder conditions are asymptomatic, which means that they are silent and do not harm. When gallbladder pain arises can be excruciating and attacks appeared to go on for hours. Some attacks with pain have lasted even up to fifteen hours at a time. There are ways to treat this pain and to prevent future attacks of the gallbladder so that the pain does not happen in the first place.

Gallbladder Pain Symptoms

- Dizziness
- Fever
- Nausea
- Belching
- Sluggishness
- Jaundice
- Severe pain in the upper right abdomen (Most common symptom)
- Persistent gas
- Constipation
- Headache just above the right eye
- Acidic fluid comes up after the meals
- Two female hormones, namely progesterone and estrogen that causes symptoms in women are two times more than men. Other pronounced symptoms in female are fever, yellow skin, vomiting and diarrhea. Women who are pregnant, possibility of pain in the gallbladder is higher than women who are not pregnant because it is caused by hormones mentioned earlier and the other is increased production of bile. Since during pregnancy women often have complaints of nausea and vomiting so it is usually linked to pregnancy, whereas, the possibility of indigestion can always be there.
- Gallbladder attacks include severe pain under the right ribs or upper abdomen, vomiting and the signs may start showing immediately after the meals which last from few minutes to even few hours if not treated in time.

Causes of Pain in Gallbladder

Gallbladder pain is typically caused by gallstones. So, what causes gallstones?. Gallstones are almost always cholesterol deposits. It is a lesser known fact that you do not ever, ever need to get cholesterol from your diet. Although a small amount of cholesterol is important in your body, your liver naturally produces all the cholesterol you will ever need. But, we aren't the only ones who naturally produce cholesterol. All other animals do as well. When we eat them, we take in their cholesterol as well. This causes our net cholesterol, both HDL and LDL to go way up. This increase in cholesterol is what leads to heart disease and many other harmful conditions, including gallstones which is the cause of your gallbladder pain.

Gallbladder pain Relief

- Reducing dietary fat intake. If you have gallstones eating less fat can minimize the risk of symptoms appearing.

- Try to maintain your ideal weight. People who are overweight are at higher risk for developing gallstones.

- If you need to lose weight, do it gradually. Overweight people who go on extremely low calorie diets or who fast for days or weeks tend to develop gallstones. Also do not eat foods that are a totally fat-free diet. Have one meal a day with at least 10 grams of fat .

- Do not let your vitamin C deficiency or hydrochloric acid because prone to developing gallstones because about half of all people with gallstones hydrochloric acid deficiency.

- Eat breakfast. People who skip breakfast are essentially undergoing a short-term fast, and fasting has been shown to increase the risk of gallbladder pain.

References :

Gallbladder Pain,  ( July 29, 2013 )