
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Collarbone Pain

Understanding Collarbone Pain

The human body is made up of hundreds of bones. Each bone has a name and have function with particular purpose. One of which is the collarbone or clavicle. It is the bone that can be found right on top of your sternum and scapula. Collarbone is the bone that is responsible for holding your arm in place. Collarbone is one of the most prominent bones in the body because you can easily feel it. In some cases, you can even see it when you face the mirror. This is also one of the bones in the body that is easily injured, fractures, and resultant pain. In this article, we are going to talk about collarbone pain.

pain in collarbone

Collarbone Pain Symptoms

-  Pain and tenderness in the shoulders, the front of chest and neck. This is aggravated when the joints are compressed by motions like, crossing the arm across the chest. The collarbone pain is often mild and throbbing.

-  Unable to move his or her arms. Sometimes, forced movement can cause a popping, or a clicking sound. Due to the absence of muscular cover, the obvious bone deformity is visible as a lump on the shoulder, or along the bone where there is a fracture. This can be accompanied by swelling, bruising and tenderness in the affected part. The extreme pain can also cause nausea and dizziness.

-  Fever and swelling. The affected area may appear warm and red.

-  Pain in the shoulders and joints can be felt, especially when the joints are pressed. Lying on the side while sleeping, can worsen the pain.

Causes of Pain in Collarbone

- Collarbone fracture. It is one of the most frequent reasons for the collarbone pain out there. This injury is very common in sports: football, basketball, wrestling, track and field and so on. The mechanics of the collarbone fracture is usually a direct impact of a force a direct hit to the collarbone. Collarbone damage that is followed by a collarbone pain might happen as a result of falling down on your shoulder, your hand or an elbow. Under the muscle pressure the middle fracture is displaced up and backwards and a peripheral fracture under the weight of the hand is usually displaced down and inside. You have a pain when moving a hand; feel a definite restriction in the shoulder joint. Swelling and redness is usually noticeable in the area of the fracture.

- Dislocation of the clavicle (collarbone) joints. Another possible reason for the collarbone pain. The reason of the dislocation could be a direct hit to the chest, shoulder hit or as a result of a fall on your side. The sternoclavicular end of the collarbone can have a forward, backward, upward or downward displacement. The most common is the anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation . it is when the medial end of the collarbone is pushed toward the outside of the chest. The posterior dislocation happens when the collarbone is pushed backward into the chest. The direct hit to the medial collarbone part can cause a posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation with damage to the trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct, lung, or large blood vessels. For sternoclavicular dislocations to happen a very significant force has to be applied  it usually happens from a direct hit to the front of the shoulder, although dislocation may also happen from the inflammatory processes. The dislocation severity that causes the collarbone pain is measured by the extent of damage to the ligaments. The most usual are first-degree dislocations when the ligaments are partially torn or overstretched. Second degree is when the complete tear occurs to sternoclavicular and partial tear to the costoclavicular ligaments. Third degree injury occurs when the rupture of both ligaments and a dislocation of the collarbone from the chest occurs.

- Osteolysis of the distal clavicle. Sometimes you feel the collarbone pain right by the shoulder. You may also feel some stiffness and swelling. The pain usually increases if some lifting activities take place: push-ups, bench press and other forms of heavy lifting. It happens a lot to bodybuilders, crossfitters, boxers, basketball players and athletes alike. 

Collarbone pain Treatment

- The best treatment for a fractured collarbone is immobilizing the affected arm, and supporting the shoulder with a sling, or a "clavicle strap". Clavicle straps are foam padded shoulder straps that provide support to the broken bones, and hold it in place till the bones heal. Once the sling is removed, physical therapy may be needed to restore the strength in the shoulders. To reduce the pain and inflammation, ice packs can be applied on the shoulder. It takes approximately twelve weeks for the clavicle fractures to heal completely in adults. If the fracture is severely displaced, or if there is any skin penetration, then surgery might be required.

- The best non surgical treatment for the osteoarthritis is rest, and anti inflammatory medications. For extreme pain and inflammation, the doctor might recommend cortisone injections. Surgical treatment, in the form of resection arthroplasty, is done in severe cases. A small portion of the outer end of the clavicle is removed, so that there is a space between the clavicle and acromion. This prevents friction, and eases the movement of the joints.

- Intravenous antibiotic treatment, for around six to eight weeks, is the preferred course of treatment for osteomyelitis of the clavicle. In severe cases, surgery might be required.

- Rest, and modification of the exercise routine can help in easing the collarbone pain. In case, the non surgical measures fail to improve the condition, surgical procedures like distal clavicle resection may be an option.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Burning Stomach Pain

Discover What Burning Stomach Pain is

Burning stomach pain comes in all shapes and sizes. The reasons can be endless. Most are from a digestive origin, such as acidity, but not all by any means. All have symptoms that may be general to the condition label, but all have symptoms which are unique to you. Burning in the stomach is a painful, sharp, stabbing sensation in the abdominal region. This burning sensation in the abdominal area is generally attributed to pain in the stomach but the pain may be caused by any organ in the midsection, like the pancreas, kidneys, appendix, intestines or the gallbladder.

burning pain in stomach

Burning Stomach Pain Causes


However, if it becomes frequent or even weekly or daily it is necessary to take action and find out what the problem is. Here are some of the most common causes of burning stomach pain :

- Hiatus hernia
Hiatus hernia is a type of hernia where the upper part of the stomach has been forced up through a hole in the diaphragm. This could have happened during birth or through heavy lifting or pregnancy. It will cause heartburn and pain and because it pinches the vagus nerve, it may cause decreased acid production. In most cases a kinesiologist or a chiropractor can push down the stomach.

- Low stomach acidity
When the acid in the stomach is too weak to digest the food, the first consequence will be that the food sits long in the stomach causing bloating; during that time some liquid can be forced up the esophagus causing heartburn. When the food eventually moves on it is only semi-digested and not really ready for the intestines. It will therefore cause pain and is a contributing factor to IBS, leaking gut and food intolerance and allergy. In many cases the acid production is low because the vagus nerve is pinched in the neck. Optimal acid production can be achieved when the vagus nerve is liberated by a kinesiologist or chiropractor.

- Helicobacter Pylori
H. pylori is a bacterium that burrows itself in the stomach lining. The symptoms are burning pain, bloating, burping and in some individuals it will cause nausea and vomiting. It is the main cause of stomach ulcers and can cause gastritis. The standard cure is treatment with two different antibiotics over a couple of weeks. It may also be eliminated if the person optimizes the acid production as outlined above.

- Stomach ulcer
A stomach ulcer will cause burning pain, heartburn, chest pain, belching and vomiting. In severe cases the person will vomit blood or food eaten days before and severe pain in the abdominal area that radiates to the back. It is caused either by H. pylori or medicine of the NSAID type (aspirin, ibuprofen etc.). When you eliminate the causes  H. pylori or the medicine the ulcers will normally heal by itself. If the medicine is prescribed to you, do not stop the medication without consulting your doctor.

- Candidiasis
Candidiasis means an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albican in the intestines. In most cases it is caused by a treatment with antibiotics. Symptoms are pain and diarrhea, but can also cause sudden onset of depression. You may be able to eliminate it through a certain diet, but if it is severe you should see your doctor.

- Food Intolerance
This will cause pain half an hour to one hour after a meal. It means a certain kind of food does not agree with the stomach or intestine. It can be caused by too low stomach acidity, but if it doesn't improve when you optimize you stomach acid production, you may have to eliminate certain foods from your diet.

- Bad Food Combining
Some people get stomach pain from combining foods that don't digest well together, like proteins and carbohydrates. Find out from a food combining chart, which foods go well together and experiment a little.

- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS causes lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or both alternating. According to the official explanation there is no cure, and a life long diet is recommended. However, there is reason to believe it can be caused by too low stomach acidity.

- Appendicitis
Appendicitis means an inflammation of the appendix, which is a little blind-ended tube near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine. Typical symptoms will be pain in the right side of the abdomen and diarrhea, but symptoms can vary considerably. Appendicitis is a medical emergency.

- Bad Habits
In order to avoid diluting the stomach acid you should not drink anything one hour before eating and you should drink as little as possible during the meal. Also make sure you chew the food properly; thereby you break the food down into smaller particles and you mix it with enzymes needed for the digestion.

Burning Stomach Pain Treatment

Because burning stomach pain may be associated with a number of diseases that are not related then there are different treatment depend on the disease. In certain abdomen related diseases like hiatal hernia or appendicitis, surgery is required. Appropriate medication may be prescribed by the doctor. If the burning pain inside the stomach is severe, immediately contact a doctor.

Probably you have the reason cannot get medical treatment then try home remedies as follows:

- You can eat some yogurt to get relief from the burning pain in stomach. Yogurt contains probiotics which help in IBS condition and improve overall stomach health.

- There are many antacids available over the counter. They come in syrup and tablet form. The prescribed dosage for children and adults is mentioned on the label, so you can take the medicine accordingly.

- You can drink a glass of cold milk when suffering from burning stomach pain.

- Drink a lot of water (around 8 - 10 glasses a day). This will help in proper movement of bowels and aid digestion.

- In a glass of cold water, add some crushed cilantro leaves and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This drink will immediately give you relief from burning stomach pain.

- Drink a lot of water (around 8 - 10 glasses a day). This will help in proper movement of bowels and aid digestion.

- In a glass of cold water, add some crushed cilantro leaves and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This drink will immediately give you relief from burning stomach pain.

- Stress can be a contributing factor to the burning sensation. So, figure out the cause of stress and practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.

- If you know what disorder you are suffering from, take precautions to prevent further aggravation of the stomach pain. For example, if you suffer from acidity, avoid eating spicy food, and eat light yet frequent meals. Also, eating more alkaline foods can greatly help to reduce acidity.

It is advisable to consult a doctor who will be able to diagnose the cause of pain and recommend the appropriate treatment if burning stomach pain is severe. Never ignore burning stomach pain, as it might be a symptom pointing to a serious condition.